8 Signs Not Even The Filmmakers Have Faith In Batman V Superman

2. The March Release Date

Through some convoluted release changes, it transpired that Batman V Superman and Captain America 3 were set to be released on the same day, May 6th, 2016. This was obviously a problem, with both films facing a potential loss of profits from the competition. One movie was going to have to be moved and most people's money going on Marvel's; we love Cap, but why would you spend time with Steve Rogers when you can see Batman fight Superman? In the end, however, Warner Bros. were the ones who relented, putting their film forward a few months to March 14th, 2016. Why they were the ones who buckled is hotly up for debate - could they have really been scared by Guardians Of The Galaxy - but what's more confusing is where they decided to move it to. March is a barren wasteland for cinema. The awards season is over and the proper blockbuster season is yet to get into full swing (even with the start getting pushed back in recent years, it still takes until April for the big hitters to arrive). Summer 2016 is quickly getting full, but there's still space for a film of this magnitude; why put it at a time of year notorious for flops? You could argue Batman V Superman would work at any time of year, but while that's possibly true, it's a little idealistic. Our bet is that Warners put it here to repeat The Lego Movie's trick of feeling like the year's biggest movie, but only because it was the only big release thus far.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.