As seen in: Spider-Man, Batman, Superman Cry me a river, mate. The tragic backstory bit of the superhero movie should really be the most emotionally affecting bit of it, but Ive seen so many peoples parents/aunts/uncles/dogs/pet sticks get mercilessly gunned down in the street that Ive become completely inured to the sadness Im apparently meant to feel. It works for some characters - Batman and Superman, for instance - but for others it feels pretty perfunctory and half-arsed; in the case of Spider-Man, who gets made an orphan about three times over, it feels like a sadistic shortcut to sympathy. We all got sick of dead relatives as a primary motivator after about three years of reality shows, so why are we still putting up with it after god knows how many years of superhero movies? I realise its just the way that the comics are written in the first place, but its really, really tedious now.