8 Terrifying Horror Comics That Should Be Made Into Movies

4. Nailbiter

hack slash
Image Comics

Everyone loves a good serial killer. Well how about sixteen serial killers that have all come from the same town?

The Nailbiter series, written by Joshua Williamson and Mike Henderson, is named after the alias latest psychopath to emerge from the fictional town of Buckaroo, Oregon. Edward Charles Warren, or Nailbiter, is caught red-handed chewing the fingernails off of his latest victims and begins the series in custody, having been arrested by FBI agent Charles Carroll.

Carroll, however, has since gone missing, and it is down to NSA operative Nicholas Finch to travel to Buckaroo and uncover the troubling past that has caused the town to be such a constant conveyor of killer.

The Nailbiter character is deployed very much so in the 'Hannibal Lecter' role; he is not seen too often as to not over-saturate the reader with his presence, but just his very being is constantly overhanging the hero and story as a whole. The story of one man exploring a dark and ominous community has been done very effectively in recent years - just see Gareth Evans' 2018 thriller Apostle - and if Williamson and Henderson's spine-chilling depiction of unique mass-murderers is anything to go by, then a Nailbiter film would be a sure hit among horror fans.


Lover of all things zombie. Secretly wishing for the apocalypse, but only on easy difficulty. Top of the world leaderboards for a couple of songs on Pro Drums on Rock Band 4. Can name every world flag. Currently doing my MA in Creative Writing in an attempt to do something with my life.