8 Things Avengers: Infinity War Did Better Than Captain America: Civil War

4. It Has One Identity, As Opposed To Three

Avengers Infinity War Star Lord Iron Man
Marvel Studios

Make no mistake, Captain America: Civil War is still Steve Rogers' story. It also has a lot more to spin around than its predecessors however, and in that sense, it's also fair to call it Tony Stark's story, or even the Avengers' story.

The majority of the film's focus does lie with Steve and Bucky, but it also has to contend its identity of being a Captain America film with its ensemble status. It certainly works, but the film isn't one-hundred percent a Captain America sequel, Iron Man 4, or even an Avengers film; it's an amalgamation of all of them rolled into one, and while it again pays off, it could've perhaps benefited from having one sole identity, as opposed to the three that collide against each other at various points throughout the film.

Infinity War just doesn't have the same problem (if it can even be called as such), as it is what it says on the tin - an Avengers film. It bridges together almost every aspect of the Marvel Universe in search of a common threat, and as far as premises go, they don't get anymore Avenger-y than that.

It could perhaps be argued that Infinity War struggles to reconcile Guardians of the Galaxy with the Avengers, but the Avengers have always been all-encompassing team. Every hero's an Avenger at some point, and with most characters receiving ample development, the film's ensemble status is never in doubt.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.