8 Things Avengers: Infinity War Did Better Than Captain America: Civil War

3. It Devotes More Time To The Villain

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Marvel Studios

One of the more common criticisms levelled against Civil War is that its villain, Helmut Zemo (played by Daniel Brühl), isn't well developed. There's a difference between development and and screen-time however, and while it's fair to argue that Brühl's character could've benefited from more time on screen, to say he wasn't well developed would be slightly disingenuous. His motivations are clear, the ending is earned, and he comes dangerously close to winning - all elements that comprise a thoroughly developed and compelling antagonist.

That said, Brühl is criminally underused in the feature. The fact that he accomplishes what he does in the time he's given to do it in is remarkable, and while that itself might sound like a tacit admission that his lack of screen time had a negligible affect, Civil War could still have benefitted from a renewed focus on its ancillary enemy.

Infinity War, unlike Civil War, actually had a lot working in its favour before it even released. Thanos' preeminence was never in doubt, and though it's possible there was a danger of disappointing after having built him up for so long, the Mad Titan more than delivered. He's utterly despicable, and he's given the requisite time to impart that impression ruthlessly even as the film pings from one end of the galaxy to the next.

He's not quite the sympathetic rogue audiences have labelled him as - far from it. He utterly dominates Infinity War though, and while Zemo succeeded were other Marvel villains didn't, he's nowhere near as memorable as Thanos.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.