8 Things Justice League Must To Do To Get The DCEU Back On Track

4. Keep The Tone Light

Justice League Unite The 7
Warner Bros.

BvS was a dour experience that ended with the death of one of the most beloved comic book characters of all time. The bleak tone riled many pundits and didn't exactly entice a lot of people to return to the movie theatre over and over. While it would behoove the DCEU to keep its adult themes and moral ambiguity to distinguish itself from Marvel, it could definitely benefit from a lighter touch.

Thus far, Justice League's trailers have emphasized a more joke-heavy approach for DC's next superhero saga, but, trailers can be deceiving. Suicide Squad's trailers promise much more of a rollicking good time than what the movie actually delivered.

Also, Snyder has never been known for delivering laugh-a-minute entertainments, except for his deliriously fun debut, 2004's Dawn of the Dead. It would be a good idea for Snyder to channel some of his old mojo for Justice League and show audiences the DCEU knows how to have a good time.

If Snyder pummels the audience again with another angst-fest, many moviegoers could decide enough is enough. Warner Bros should offer fans more than nihilistic endurance tests if it wants its comic book franchise to have good box office legs.


I'm YA writer who loves pulp and art house films. I admire films that try to do something interesting.