8 Things The DCEU Is Doing Better Than The MCU (So Far)

1. Visual Style

Captain Marvel Wonder Woman
Warner Bros.

Finally, one area in which the MCU really can't hold a candle to the DCEU is visual style. Few of the MCU films are that amazing visually (aside from the Guardians of the Galaxy films and Doctor Strange) and it's a less exciting franchise in film-making terms.

As for the DCEU... the visuals are mostly bloody fantastic. Suicide Squad was atrociously directed and Shazam! looked fairly ordinary, but the other six have been great. Crucially, the visual style differs from film to film and this makes them considerably more interesting on a cinematic level than the MCU films, which usually have very similar visuals.

Zack Snyder's films have always been hit-or-miss, but he is an excellent visual stylist and this came through once again in Snyder's three DCEU films, while Patty Jenkins, aside from her over-use of slow-mo, did an excellent job with Wonder Woman.

Cathy Yan's stylish direction of Birds of Prey, especially during the action sequences, was something to behold and made one wonder where the hell this obviously superb director has been hiding. That being said, James Wan's epic, awe-inspiring direction of Aquaman is the stand-out so far.

The MCU is a far better franchise than the DCEU, but the DCEU is still doing more things right than it's often credited for, and these amazing visuals are arguably its biggest asset, as well as the main thing it's doing better than the MCU so far.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.