8 Things You Definitely Won't See In Marvel's Phase 3

8. A Team-Up With The Fantastic Four

By now, you hardly need me to tell you that Josh Trank's Fantastic Four reboot was an unmitigated disaster. Regardless of why the movie went wrong, it's not only one of the most poorly reviewed superhero adaptations of all-time, but also a massive box office flop. It should really come as no surprise then that fans were quick to jump on recent reports which indicated that the rights to the characters had been traded to Marvel Studios in exchange for Fox being allowed to make Hellfire and Legion TV shows set in the X-Men Universe. It's a nice thought, but simply isn't going to happen. Fox gladly handing back a franchise which still has the potential to make a lot of money makes no sense. The studio has seven years before the rights revert, and there's nothing to stop them trying another reboot three or for years from now with a better script and director (Bryan Singer has been suggested as one potential candidate). Hell, they could even lump this foursome of heroes in with the X-Men and hope that works before letting Marvel take control. All of these possibilities make more sense than Fox gladly allowing the rival studio to succeed where they failed by adding the Fantastic Four to their popular Marvel Cinematic Universe. As a result, you can forget about the Fantastic Four meeting The Avengers and Earth's Mightiest Heroes clashing with Galactus and the Silver Surfer. Those are two characters Kevin Feige tried to get in exchange for allowing Fox to keep Daredevil back in 2012, but for now, they're going to continue to allude him...

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.