8 Things You Definitely Won't See In Marvel's Phase 3

7. Matthew McConaughey

Of all the actors Marvel has let slip through their fingers over the years, being unable to get True Detective and Dallas Buyers Club star Matthew McConaughey to appear in Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2 might just be their most epic fail to date. The Oscar winning actor has previously confirmed in interviews that he's been offered numerous roles by both Marvel and DC, but made it clear that he'll only say yes to the right script. James Gunn's sequel clearly wasn't a good fit then as McConaughey turned down the chance to play the movie's lead villain. Who exactly that might have been is a mystery, though speculation from fans has pointed to names like Adam Warlock and whoever Star-Lord's father ends up being. Seeing the actor in either one of those roles would have been downright amazing, but with Marvel now looking to fill the role he was offered in the coming weeks, it clearly wasn't meant to be. In all honesty, Marvel doesn't need McConaughey and he certainly doesn't need them. While what's sure to be a critically acclaimed blockbuster with a very good chance of grossing over $1 billion certainly wouldn't have hurt the actor, he's reached a point in his career where he can do pretty much whatever he wants without having to say yes to everything that offers a big pay cheque. Still, nabbing McConaughey for Phase 3 would have been a huge win for Marvel Studios. Now, they'd best just hope that Warner Bros. don't beat them to the actor by offering him a plum role in one of their upcoming DC Comics adaptations...

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.