8 Things You Definitely Won't See In Marvel's Phase 3

4. Planet Hulk

For years, rumours of a Planet Hulk movie have persisted. Well, it ain't happening. As Mark Ruffalo himself said in an interview last week, "It's not Marvel's property, it's Universal's property." That means Marvel can't make a Hulk movie without complicating matters incredibly, and Disney are unlikely to be willing to split the profits with Universal on one. That's why the Jade Giant for now is going to be kept either in The Avengers franchise or lumped in with other characters who Marvel can put in their own movies. Him getting his own solo outing sadly isn't on the cards, so a story as complex as Planet Hulk just isn't possible. Some believed Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2 might adapt that, but we now know that won't be the case. Instead, Hulk is set to make an appearance in Thor: Ragnarok where it's thought that he'll have a leading role opposite Chris Hemsworth's God of Thunder. Now there's been talk of that involving some sort of "cosmic road trip", but bear in mind that it's still a Thor movie - which is presumably going to cover the fall of Asgard if the title is any indication - so you can forget about it devoting a huge chunk of its running time to delve into the Planet Hulk storyline. Elements of that could certainly be incorporated here, while Hulk being abandoned in outer space to set up World War Hulk in Phase 4 is possible (though highly unlikely). Even if by some miracle Thor and Hulk end up fighting in a gladiatorial arena on an alien planet, Thor: Ragnarok isn't Planet Hulk, and that adaptation at the moment seems to have about as much chances of happening as Avengers Vs. X-Men.

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