8 Things You Definitely Won't See In Marvel's Phase 3

3. Ms. Marvel's Sexy Costume

The decision to rebrand Ms. Marvel as Captain Marvel a few years back did not come from Marvel Studios. However, even before Carol Danvers got that new moniker, comic book fans were desperate to see her on the big screen. This begs the question though; had she not received a new name and look, would Kevin Feige ever have announced a Captain Marvel movie? That's an interesting one to ponder, but with that new name being used on the big screen, so too should her new costume follow. For decades, Ms. Marvel wore a very skimpy number which really emphasised her top heavy figure and, well, was more than a little revealing around the crotch area. While it may look like something you'd expect to see in an Avengers porn parody - and, believe it or not, those have actually quite faithfully adapted it - it's still a beloved look that many were banking on one day making it to the big screen. Yeah... that's not gonna happen. There's no way that Marvel will launch their first female led superhero movie by putting the title character in a costume like this. While it could be argued that Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman outfit is "revealing", it's not exactly like the skin tight spandex which makes up Ms. Marvel's classic duds! The redesigned suit for Captain Marvel has been a little divisive, but a slightly altered version of that is definitely what you should expect to see when this character finally makes her big screen debut a few years from now.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.