8 Times Actors Embarrassingly Campaigned For A Huge Movie Role

1. Tyrese Gibson - Green Lantern

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Your pal Tyrese again, and you have to admire the guys spirit that even after the slightly embarrassing Django incident he still put himself out there for a role. In this instance he started Instagraming fanart of himself made up as Green Lantern John Stewart, and the rumour mill started turning fast; and presumably, furiously.

He later posted artwork of himself and Chris Pine, when it was confirmed the next Green Lantern would feature different versions of the character working together. Gibson also heavily teased he’d met with Warner Bros. about it, but that he couldn’t confirm or deny anything at that point. It’s been nearly a year since then, with Pine now confirmed to be playing Steve Trevor and no announcement whatsoever for Green Lantern Corps.

Maybe Warners are just keeping their cards close to their chest here, but it seems like they don’t have any solid plans for the character yet, and Tyrese was just trying to turn positive thoughts into reality.

Can you think of any other actors who put themselves on the line for a role, only to walk away with nothing but wounded ego? Share your choices in the comments below?

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Donald Glover
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Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.