8 Times Jake Gyllenhaal Fought His Own Hotness (And Won)

6. Highway (2002)

In 2002, Jake was 22 years old. Most 22 year olds spend a sizable chunk of their time working on their looks. Fixing their hair in mirrors, shaving their legs, idly wondering what crunches are as their no-effort-required flat abs start to morph into regular adult stomachs. 22 year olds are often finishing university and realising that attracting sexual partners requires more effort than hanging out at the student union until you€™re too drunk to be concerned about the fact that you€™re sleeping with a friend. 22 year olds care.

When Jake was 22, he voluntarily appeared in Highway. I mean, I assume it was voluntary, though some sort of Hollywood hostage situation isn€™t out of the question. Highway had the extremely 2002 cast of Jake, Selma Blair and Jared Leto. It€™s essentially a road trip movie but there€™s a subplot involving some gangsters who are called €œMiranda€™s Pandas€ and also John C McGinley shows up because, as mentioned, it was made in 2002.

Jake€™s character is called Pilot - ugh - and in order to aggressively fight the hot, he spends most of the movie in either a visor or goggles. Actual goggles covering his big puppy dog eyes. Actual. Goggles. So he decisively won that battle but the war between he and his own beauty raged on.


Brydie is an Australian writer and performer living in London and she complains exactly the same amount about the weather as every other Australian living in London. Yes, that is her natural lip colour, no, she will not be taking any further questions at this time.