8 Tragic Pixar Moments That Are Totally Wasted On Kids

8. Kitty Farewells Boo in Monsters Inc.

The set-up for Monsters Inc. is a bummer in and of itself. It opens with the monsters- the audience avatar because aren't we all just hideous monsters desperate for love?- struggling to make ends meet. Their industry is in decline and their careers are at risk. It came out in 2012, 4 years after General Motors filed for bankruptcy for basically the same reason. Too soon, Pixar! Imagine how those family chats went- "Mummy, is Mike going to leave Detroit to re-train just like Dad did?" "It's a new world, sweetheart. Mike has to learn to adjust". The relationship between kids and Pixar movies is pretty neatly summed up in the scene when Boo, the toddler, and Kitty, her monster-BFF, have to say goodbye, seemingly forever. Boo has no idea what's happening and pulls out toy after toy while Kitty tries to explain that their relationship, like everything else good in this world, is ending. Kids might find this scene sad because they would like a friend like Kitty but will they understand the feeling a parent with shared custody gets at the end of a weekend with their child? Probably not. As Mike says to Boo (and also, children everywhere) "Go ahead. Go grow up".

Brydie is an Australian writer and performer living in London and she complains exactly the same amount about the weather as every other Australian living in London. Yes, that is her natural lip colour, no, she will not be taking any further questions at this time.