8 Upcoming Movie Sequels Destined To Fail

5. Bright 2

Fantastic Beasts Newt Scamander

Ahead of its release in 2017, there was so much excitement and anticipation surrounding Bright.

A mish-mash of humans and magical, mystical beings? Played out like a buddy cop comedy? With Will Smith and Joel Edgerton on headlining duties? It seemed as if this Netflix production couldn't miss. Only it did. Hard.

Buddy cop comedies can be great when done right, and they're also the sort of movie that you don't necessarily need a huge budget for. But with Bright, Netflix went big and spent over $100 million to put the film together. To see that budget result in this movie was an absolute travesty - particularly when you consider this was effectively a made-for-TV picture.

Netflix is obviously a paywalled streaming service, but was anyone really going to sign up for Netflix just to watch Bright? That's highly doubtful. And so to spend so much money on a film designed for an on-demand platform, and then to see it bomb with critics and a good portion of film fans, that's a massive kick in the nether-regions for Netflix.

Despite all of this, however, tentative plans are still afoot for a Bright 2.

Production on that follow-up was at one point planned to start in 2019 but was delayed due to Will Smith's manic schedule. With no definitive start date for the sequel right now, one would think it might be best for Netflix to backtrack on Bright 2 - for there's no way this could be any form of success for the streaming juggernaut.

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Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.