8 Upcoming Movies That Will Be Nothing Like You're Expecting

6. The Versus Part Is Only Half The Movie - Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice

Black and blue. God versus man. Day versus night. However, Luthenburg phrases it, sh*t is going to go down in Batman V Superman, with Zack Snyder's universe-building extravaganza pitting the the Dark Knight and the Man of Steel against each other in a feature length battle of wits and, more excitingly, fisticuffs. Except it isn't. Oh, the red capes are indeed coming and there is going to be some city-levelling clash between the world's two biggest superheroes, but the film's going to side step that at some point to focus on the pair going all World's Finest and working together. Yeah - even though it's the freaking title, Batman V Superman isn't really about Batman fighting Superman (the most blatant case of false advertising since The NeverEnding Story). It was always expected that the end of the film would see the duo eventually team up (the subtitle is Dawn Of Justice, after all), but it looks like it's going to happen much sooner than that. The official synopsis closes with "And with Batman and Superman at war with one another, a new threat quickly arises, putting mankind in greater danger than it€™s ever known before." So, essentially, the pair's going to be duking it out, only to have to team up at the last minute to take on whatever Lex Luthor's been cooking up (everything points to General Zod reanimated as Doomsday... urgh).

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.