8 Upcoming Movies That Will Be Nothing Like You're Expecting

5. The Leaked Script Isn't The Whole Story - The Hateful Eight

Quentin Tarantino films come along so infrequently (it's almost three years since Django Unchained) that a new release is by itself cause for celebration, especially when, on the back of Django and Inglourious Basterds, his pretty iffy run in the naughties is very much behind him. So naturally, expectations are high for his latest, The Hateful Eight. Even moreso given that QT almost didn't make it; back when the director was still tinkering with the first draft, the script was leaked online by an overzealous agent. To offset any damage, Tarantino hosted an all-star reading of said script, which went so well he was motivated to throw spoilers to the wind and make the damn thing anyway. This would lead those who attended that reading, or have otherwise come across the script (naughty you) to think that, directorial flourishes aside, they know exactly what to expect come Christmas 2015. But those spoiler-hungry readers would be wrong. The leaked screenplay was Tarantino's first draft, and he's publicly stated there's been at least two more overhauls since then to get it ready for the big screen. That's not to say the The Hateful Eight will be massively different to what's already known - the basic plot structure is no doubt similar - but much of the interplay and that oh-so tasty dialogue will likely be new to all outside of the cast (as it should be). After all, there's that big mystery around who Channing Tatum's playing.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.