8 Upcoming Movies That Will Be Nothing Like You're Expecting

4. It's Not An Adaptation Of The Comic - Captain America: Civil War

Civil War is Marvel's crowning achievement. A mammoth crossover event that divided the comic universe, it's no wonder the excitement around Captain America: Civil War is already fever pitch. It'd be wise for everyone to rein in their expectations, however, because it's unlikely the finished film will bear anything more than a fleeting resemblance to Mark Millar's landmark graphic novel. Oh, the broad strokes - Captain America and Iron Man fall out over a government-mandated Superhero Registration Act - are sure to be maintained, but in terms of narrative structure there's no indication the Cap threequel will match up to what many are envisioning. The most obvious difference lies in Spider-Man. Peter Parker plays an integral role in the battle between Captain America and Iron Man in print, going as far as revealing his identity for Tony Stark's cause, but on screen his debutant MCU appearance will be little more than a cameo - Tom Holland shot for only a week and it doesn't sound that his web crawler will have developed into an icon by this point in the timeline. But it's not just a case of Ctrl+F'ing Spidey's name from the comic book. Like the other big superhero showdown of 2016, Captain America 3 will see the battling friends reunited when another, bigger threat rears its head. In this case, on top of the Winter Soldier playing a key role, the film has a straight up villain in the form of Daniel Brühl's Baron Zemo. If it feels like a missed opportunity, that's because it kinda is; Marvel are cashing out on one of their biggest names here. But with the Russo Brothers at the helm, at least it'll probably be quite good. Just don't bet on Steve Rogers' biting the bullet on screen in the aftermath like he did in the book.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.