8 Upcoming Movies That Will Be Nothing Like You're Expecting

3. It's Not Actually A Two Parter - Avengers: Infinity War

Of course, Civil War is just the beginning. The entire Marvel Cinematic Universe is really building towards Earth's Mightiest Heroes coming up against Mad Titan Thanos. The Infinity Gems were first seen in Iron Man 2, their housing Gauntlet in Thor and its wielder in The Avengers' post-credits scene; this is a meticulously seeded showdown set to be so epic that it'll have to be told over two movies. Infinity War - Part 1 hits in May 2018, followed up by Part 2 almost exactly a year later. The films are being shot back-to-back, with Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Civil War directors the Russo Brothers overseeing the production. Naturally, speculation is rife over how Marvel will split the story; namely, will they have the balls to end the first film with Thanos' half-the-universe-killing finger click? Probably not. Don't let the Part 1/Part 2 subtitles fool you; each film in the Infinity War duology will be a stand-alone story (or at least as stand-alone as things can be for Marvel). The end of the first film will be a narrative conclusion (how else would the studio fit Black Panther and Captain Marvel stand-alone movies in-between), with only an overarching link to the second "Part". In fact, don't be surprised if the films' names are altered once their individual plots have been better defined by the studio. This may sound disappointing, but outside of a year-long cliffhanger there's nothing really lost this way. After all, when has there been anything gained from the recent trend of chopping narratives in two?

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.