8 Upcoming Sequels Nobody Ever Thought Would Happen

4. Indiana Jones 5

Glass M Night Shyamalan

After devastation rained down in the form of Indiana Jones 4, the belated, entirely awkward fourth movie in the long-running franchise, most Indy lovers made the decision to mentally end the franchise off at The Last Crusade. In other words, they sought to pretend Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was the sum of a weird fever dream, and all that nonsense with aliens and Shia LaBeouf never happened.

All that did nothing to prevent the rumour mill from constantly asserting the future of this franchise, however, and now - after several years of "will they/won't they?" - Steven Spielberg has announced that yes, they will, with a film directed by the man himself, based on a screenplay written by Crystal Skull's David Koepp (uh-oh).

The fact that Spielberg is gearing up to shoot Indy 5 next year, not to mention the fact that it has a bonafide release date of July 10th 2020, is plainly bonkers. And based on the reception to Indy 4's plot, we can almost certainly expect a non-alien film.

Harrison Ford is seventy-five now, of course, and so the prospect of a fifth Indiana Jones film has always seemed doubtful, regardless as to whether anybody thinks it's a good idea. Given his age, and the poor reception to the fourth movie, this never felt like something that anybody would be able to make happen. And yet Spielberg, it seems, is desperate to prove he still has it in him to make another good Indy film.

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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.