8 Ways Suicide Squad Improved On Batman V Superman

6. It Has Villains With Clear Motives

Lex Luthor Joker
Warner Bros. Pictures

Again, Luthor’s motives were surprisingly muddy throughout Dawn Of Justice, and he appeared to be a villain because hey, he’s Lex Luthor; that’s what he does. His confusing master plan is a common complaint with it, but Suicide Squad keeps things nice and clear.

Amanda Waller is a no-nonsense government agent ready to kill anybody who gets in the way of her agenda, including squad members and even her own subordinates. There’s also the Joker, who merely wants to steal Harley back. His love might be sick and twisted, but at least his agenda is pure.

Last – and totally least – are Enchantress and Incubus. They hate humanity because they no longer fear them - possibly because Incubus looks like a badly rendered PlayStation 2 cutscene - so they create a portal thing to destroy the planet. It’s not original in the slightest, but we’ll take it over whatever the hell Lex was up to.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.