8 Wild Movie Fan Theories (That Were Actually Correct)

7. Deckard Is A Replicant - Blade Runner

Origami Crane Blade Runner
Scott Free

Blade Runner only grows better with age, and seems to reveal something new every time you watch it. It’s such a rich movie numerous fan theories have sprung up around it, like the theory Deckard is a replicant who was implanted with Gaff's memories, which explains the latter’s dislike of him; plus it makes his compliment “You’ve done a man’s job.” all the more meaningful.

Of course, the main question surrounding Blade Runner for years was the idea Deckard was a replicant, with fans debating the evidence amongst themselves. Key people involved with the film insisted he was while Harrison Ford denied it.

The final word came from Ridley Scott during an interview for a documentary, where he confirms the origami unicorn means Deckard is a replicant. Fans still like to argue this issue, but if the director himself says it was the intention that’s the end of the debate, really.

You can expect the forthcoming sequel to settle the question definitively.

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Blade Runner
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