8 Worst Humans In Zombie Films

3. L.J. - The Resident Evil Series

€œSomebody get this ugly bitch off of me!€ L.J. was funny. That was all he was there for and everyone who enjoyed Resident Evil€™s massively kick ass sequel Apocalypse knows it. He was a hilarious little character to include in the film and he really helps establish the film as one that really doesn€™t take itself seriously - if the over the top action doesn€™t already spell it out. It€™s not so much his actions in his first appearance that put him on the list, it€™s his second appearance. Resident Evil: Extinction took a much bleaker, darker tone than its predecessor, and therefore L.J. was turned into a much straighter character. He eventually gets bitten but decides to hide this from his group, leading to him eventually turning and infecting his survivor-buddy Carlos, who goes in the much more dignified way of blowing himself sky high to buy the group time. L.J. stopped being funny and starting being a jerk in the transition between films, and he paid the price for it.
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Just a movie mad nut job with a computer and a passion for writing.