8 Worst Humans In Zombie Films

2. Captain Rhodes - Day of the Dead

€œChoke on €˜em!€ A bit like The Walking Dead€™s The Governor, but of 70s Zombie Cult Classics. Captain Rhodes is arrogant, bossy, murderous and frankly quite a nasty guy. After Romero€™s sweeping zombie pandemic hits him, he holes up with his army friends in a military base, coupled with scientists looking to find a cure. However, after the death of his commander he begins a slow descent into insanity and has a complete breakdown, resulting in the aforementioned nasty behaviour, which includes threatening anyone who disagrees with him, shutting down the research into a cure and leading into fully fledged, cold blooded murder. After going so far down the moral ladder as to ditch his friends and leave them to die, Rhodes meets a suitably horrifying end when a partially domesticated zombie, Bub, hunts him down in the first ever zombie revenge thriller. After taking several misplaced hits from Bub he is brutally torn open by an encroaching horde in a Tom Savini gore extravaganza. The only fitting end for such a terrible survivor.
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Just a movie mad nut job with a computer and a passion for writing.