8 Worst Humans In Zombie Films

1. Ed - Shaun of the Dead

€œWe're coming to get you, Barbara!€ Shaun of the Dead is another classic British zomb-com which sparked the movie careers of a certain comedic duo who have done great things since. Each time Pegg and Frost share the screen, hilarity is sure to ensue. But their original run on Shaun of the Dead provided the worst zombie survivalist on the list - Ed. Frost€™s portrayal of Ed as the stereotypical slacker is spot on, even after the dead have started rising. Ed has no sense of the danger around them, answering his phone whilst in the middle of a horde and throttling dear old Barbara€™s Jaguar through the streets. He eventually succumbs to a rather unfortunate end, but Shaun€™s love for his friend means he isn't truly gone, only sitting in the shed, probably soon to take a little nibble on anyone who gets too close. In life, however, Ed truly was the physical manifestation of what it means to be bad at surviving the zombie apocalypse - plump, dumb, noisy and bad at pretending to be a zombie. Everyone else on this list may have committed their crimes of the new world of zombie-dom, but Ed committed them all in lovable, laughable fashion. This about wraps up the list, so I'll leave you with this tantalising little idea: take all ten characters from my first article and the eight from this one and place them together. Then we'll see, in the thick of it, who will really be the best survivor.
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Just a movie mad nut job with a computer and a passion for writing.