9 "Dead" Movie Characters Who Must Return In Upcoming Sequels

6. Uncle Ben (MCU)

Star Wars The Last Jedi Captain Phasma
Marvel Comics

The new Sony/MCU Spider-Man series is trying a lot of different things, and one of the biggest was skipping over his origin story. From the spider bite, to his life as a wrestler, to him learning about how to use his power. It was a smart move, but it means we haven't met one of the most important people in Spidey's life.

Uncle Ben has to appear if for no other reason than he hasn't appeared yet. He's too big of a character to never deal with. We all know what happened to him, but at some point - maybe in a Mysterio hallucination - we will meet him.

But that's not the only time Peter might meet his Uncle Ben. The Marvel Universe is becoming part of the Marvel Multiverse and can now connect to the Spider-Verse. That's right, there's a chance Tom Holland's Spider-Man might eventually come into contact with one of the Spider-powered Ben Parkers that are out there. Regardless of the how or why, expect to see Tom Holland's Peter and his Uncle Ben Parker on-screen, at least one time.

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Tara Giovannini hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.