9 "Dead" Movie Characters Who Must Return In Upcoming Sequels

4. Jack Torrance

Star Wars The Last Jedi Captain Phasma
Warner Bros

The Shining is one of the most innovative and beloved horror films ever. Even if you've never seen it, even if you hate horror movies, you still know about "Come play with us," and "All work and no play." You know about "Here's Johnny!" It's iconic. And most of that is due to Jack Torrance, the lead villain, who terrorizes his wife, and child, Danny, until he dies, frozen in a hedge maze. Such a weird movie.

Of course, it's Hollywood, and horror, so that isn't the end of the story. Years after the film had come and gone, Stephen King wrote another novel, this one about Danny Torrance, as an adult, facing the same temptations and urges his father did. It's an oddball novel that's getting a rocking adaptation from the showrunner and creator of Netflix's Haunting of Hill House. That adaptation has already been confirmed as homaging The Shining. So how much is the question?

With the original film's events still haunting Danny, there's a good chance we'll be seeing Jack Torrance again. Whether that's as a ghost or a flashback, who knows? But Jack Torrance must return in the next film. Or else what even is the point?

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Tara Giovannini hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.