9 "Dead" Movie Characters Who Must Return In Upcoming Sequels

3. Snoke

Star Wars The Last Jedi Captain Phasma

Snoke has been an enigma since his first appearance. Who is he? What type of being? Why does he have those scars? How can he command the First Order? Where did he come from?

But after The Last Jedi, all of those answers seemed to be left forever dangling. Unless his story isn't over yet. He must return in the next film, and if rumors are true, he'll be coming back in a very surprising way.

According to some rumors, the fact that Palpatine is returning so shortly after Snoke's death isn't a coincidence - it's because Snoke and Palpatine are one in the same. After Darth Vader threw him down an elevator shaft, Emperor Palpatine's soul escaped and has inhabited other bodies since, including the one that took control of the First Order as Snoke.

This has happened at least one time in the Expanded Universe so there is a small amount of basis for this. Even if that turns out to be wrong, Snoke will return at some point. He's too cool not too.

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Tara Giovannini hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.