9 "Upcoming" Movie Remakes Trapped In Development Hell

3. Akira

Akira Hero

Development Hell might as well have been invented for three films: Terry Gilliam's Don Quixote, Guillermo Del Toro's At The Mountains Of Madness and the live action adaptation of Akira.

While the first has actually now been made, the latter has been trundling through development discussions for well over a decade (and close to TWO now) after Warner Bros picked up the rights in 2002. It's still considered an active remake, but it's better to consider it as a sort of conveyor belt of missed opportunities, given how many actors, directors and writers have been involved.

And that's not to mention the whole white-washing issue that would now be even more pertinent now that Ghost In The Shell came out with the decidedly not Asian Scarlett Johansson starring. That should have at least killed the idea of New Manhattan being the setting.

Intriguingly, 2017 saw both Jordan Peele and Taika Waititi linked to the job (the latter saying he'd use Asian teenage actors, thankfully), but since then there's been very little of note said about it.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.