9 Actors Who Played Both Iconic Super Heroes And Villains

7. Josh Brolin - Jonah Hex / Thanos

scarlett johansson
Warner Bros. / Marvel

Jonah Hex was something of a passion project for Josh Brolin, who had a major hand in working with the writers and director in shaping it. He gave a great, grizzled turn in the title role, but the film surrounding him was a complete mess thanks to reshoots and studio interference. Brolin has since – rightfully – disowned it.

He’s had better luck playing Thanos in the MCU, and while he hasn’t had much to do so far - besides sit in a chair looking menacing - Thanos will have a major part to play in the forthcoming Avengers: Infinity War movies, where all that Infinity Stone nonsense will finally pay off.

Even in his brief appearances so far Brolin has brought a sense of threat and power to the character, and he’s sure to give the gang a rough time when they finally face-off with each other.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.