9 Annoying Movie Characters That Only Existed To Explain The Plot

1. Captain Panaka - Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace

Tpm A list on annoying characters from The Phantom Menace doesn€™t include Jar Jar Binks? What neglectful sorcery is this? Well for all the things wrong with the gungan hate figure, George Lucas did a good job (or bad depending on how you look at it) of making him a character that stands as memorable without the crutches of the plot. The same can not be said of the rest of the film€™s supporting heroes. Coming at the beginning of the whole saga and lumbered with sandcrawlers full of backstory, The Phantom Menace really struggles to balance the set up of the series and its own individual story, so naturally some characters would be reduced to little more than plot spouters. Worse amongst them would have to be Captain Panaka, who as Queen Amidala€™s head of security takes it upon himself to make sure every possible threat is reiterated for the monarch and the audience. The ship could be destroyed, returning to Naboo is dangerous, the Gungans can€™t win the battle; everything out of his mouth is driven by making sure the audience understand just how serious and deadly every situation is. In fact most of the Nabooians served little purpose; even more minor character Ric Olie filled the Han Solo role of being the character's spaceship captain, but with his few lines did nothing but explain what we could easily see. Know any more characters who do nothing put explain the plot? Go down to the comments and give us the low-down.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.