9 Avengers: Endgame Powers That Are Actually Real, Thanks To Tech

5. Spiderman - Wall Crawling

Spider Man Far From Home
Marvel Studios

Yes, Spiderman is an official MCU Avenger now. If you've ever wanted to scale the side of a building like a spider, you're in luck. The "Ascending Aggies" of Utah State University have invented a backpack that lets you scale any vertical surface using a vacuum backpack.

The Personal Vacuum Assisted Climber or PVAC lets you scramble up the side of a building by creating between 500 and 700 lbs of suction that hold each of the climbing gloves to the surface. The ascender weighs 48lbs and beat out 33 other inventions during a 90-foot wall climb competition sponsored by the U.S. Air Force in 2012. The team won a $100,000 grant to continue their development.

The only downside of the PVAC is that it's about as loud as your average household vacuum cleaner, so a stealthy climb is out of the question at the moment. The Ascending Aggies are working on quieting it down, as well as making it lighter.

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