9 Awesome Fan Theories About Avengers: Infinity War

5. Magus Will Be A Primary Antagonist

While most people are expecting Thanos to be the only main villain in the Avengers: Infinity War movies - possibly with some other villains operating as his flunkies - some are actually theorising that there'll be another equally nefarious and villainous threat in the form of the Magus. The Magus is the evil half of the heroic Adam Warlock and he was the main antagonist in the Infinity War comic book arc - which, of course, makes his potential inclusion as a major player in the Avengers: Infinity War movies make a lot of sense. Adam Warlock has been hinted at in the Marvel Cinematic Universe in the form of a cocoon Easter egg in both Guardians of the Galaxy and the mid-credits scene of Thor: The Dark World, so his inclusion is inevitable. Therefore, his evil other half appearing is plausible and this theory is one of the most likely to actually become a reality.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.