9 Awesome Supporting Characters Who Should Have Their Own Spin-Off

1. Black Widow - Marvel Cinematic Universe

The Character: Hitting way back in April, Captain America 2 signalled the start of the blockbuster season with gusto; here a film set in the MCU (a series known for its levity) that took itself serious but still had fun with it. Bringing a lot of the series' supporting characters to the fore, it gave Scarlett Johansson's Black Widow her biggest role yet, essentially promoting her to Cap's second-in-command. The character was first introduced to act as a bit of eye-candy in Iron Man 2 (and to set up the series' continuity, but mainly eye-candy) and later given a key part in The Avengers where she excelled as the lone female member of the team. Black Widow may have been initially introduced mainly for sex appeal, but now stands out as a strong willed character with some kick-ass fighting moves/gadgets. And that's not to mention the oft-hinted (but hardly expanded upon) mystery of her past. Why A Spin-Off Would Be Awesome: A Black Widow standalone movie (technically a spin-off as she began life elsewhere) would be a great way to explore her past and give us a less fantasy hued Marvel flick. But there's more than that. The history of female-fronted comic book movies begins with Catwoman and ends with Elektra; it's all about the sex appeal. Now the character's over the initial splurge of "look, tits", could Marvel be the first to pull off a female superhero movie that doesn't devolve into titillation? After spending so much time on this list coming to terms with that our ideas have no hope of fruition here's one that could actually happen. Come on Marvel, give us this one. Which of these spin-offs would you watch? And what existing character would you like to see get their own solo outing? Head to the comments and let us know.
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X-Men 2
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.