9 Awesome Supporting Characters Who Should Have Their Own Spin-Off

2. Young Agent K - Men In Black III

The Character: We all know Agent K, the guy who's emotions range all the way from grumpy to tired, played incredibly convincingly by Tommy Lee Jones. A member of the Men In Black, a secret organisation that keeps tabs on all manner of aliens - threats or otherwise - we fell in love with K because while Will Smith's Agent J goes crazy about all the weird aliens, he barely even blinks. In the belated third film we got to see what a younger K was like through the sudden appearance of time travel. And you know what? He's exactly the same. Played by Josh Brolin, young Agent K is a spot on impression Jones' character, but putting him in a much younger body makes it all the more funny. Why A Spin-Off Would Be Awesome: The concept behind Men In Black is solid groundwork for a light-hearted sci-fi series, but since the first film the franchise has totally failed to capitalise on that. The second movie undid all the character development of the first in fear of trying something new, while the third movie had some good ideas that were squandered by a terrible script. Through it all there's a distinct misunderstanding of what made the initial comic, upon which the series is bases, so popular; it was the idea of a government agency keeping tabs on extra-terrestrials, not how different Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones are, that caught reader's attention. So if the series was to continue (and there's such a dearth of non-serious sci-fi it'd be a shame for it to not to), it'd be worth doing away with Smith altogether (he is so past it) and setting the whole thing in the sixties with young Agent K as our hero.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.