9 Awesome Supporting Characters Who Should Have Their Own Spin-Off

6. Nightcrawler - X2

The Character: Nightcrawler was the secret weapon of Bryan Singer's super-team sequel, bringing a fan favourite to life with pure style (that White House-set opening is still to be topped, even by Quicksilver). A german mutant whose primary power is teleportation, he became a key member of the team in the late-eighties, noteworthy among the team for his strong catholic belief (and later for being the son of Mystique and Azazel). The on-screen version, played brilliantly by Alan Cumming, was conspicuously absent from all later entries in the series despite all the fan love he received. Why A Spin-Off Would Be Awesome: There was a point where it looked like the future of the X-Men franchise was going to spin-offs. Then Origins: Wolverine stank and the whole concept was dropped (although elements of the planned Origins: Magneto found life on screen through First Class). You can't help but feel they missed the point of the whole enterprise. The series up to that point had been all about Logan's journey, with the second film even going as far as to fill in the blanks of his backstory, so there's little that can be explored that we haven't already seen. Little, however, was known about Nightcrawler, making him a perfect candidate for a thorough exploration.
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X-Men 2
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.