9 Awesome Supporting Characters Who Should Have Their Own Spin-Off

5. Charles Muntz - Up

The Character: We've all been there; you spend your youth idolising someone, then once you grow up you realise they're not as brilliant as you first thought and they try to kill you. Well, maybe not the last part if you're not dealing with Charles Muntz. The villain of Pixar's sublime meditation of letting go, Up, Muntz was a world famous explorer, disgraced when his big zoological find from South America was decried as a fake. Returning to Venezuela (yup, that's where the film's set), he spent a lifetime hunting for the illusive bird known colloquially as a snipe, fashioning some nifty dog collars in the process. Why A Spin-Off Would Be Awesome: Pixar have taken a turn towards sequels in recent years; by the time Finding Nemo The Incredibles 2 are unleashed half of their properties have been franchise-ified. And while you can almost see Wall-E or Brave leading to something more, it's pretty damn certain we'll not get an attempt to cash in on the popularity of Up; between its life-spanning montage and perfect ending there's little room for wiggle with the main characters. Not so with Muntz. Here's a character a world away from the sentimentality of the original that we'd all like to learn more about; little is known about his life between the public humiliation and the arrival of Up's hero Carl Fredriksson. It probably would skew a little dark for Pixar (essentially the story is a descent into madness), but if they must trawl their back-catalogue for ideas, this is one of the most intriguing.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.