9 Awesome Supporting Characters Who Should Have Their Own Spin-Off

3. Catwoman - Batman Returns

The Character: The second (and last, we promise) Batman character on this list, Michelle Pfeiffer's Catwoman is one of the best emblems of Tim Burton's version of the Dark Knight; twisted, white-faced and sporting a great costume. This take on the character is rather different from the conventional cat-burglar we're otherwise used to. Sure, the tight leather and cat ears are here, but her motivations are much more psychotic, aimed at revenge against industrialist Max Shrek rather than stealing a huge diamond or whatever. Which if anything makes her more interesting. Why A Spin-Off Would Be Awesome: In simple terms she's alive and free; out of all the pre-Nolan films, Catwoman is the only character who doesn't get locked up in Arkham or killed, so narratively it makes the most sense. But more than that, Pfeiffer's Selina Kyle is the most suitable of all the Bat villains (from this continuity) to carry her own film; she's not one note and has enough of a (semblance of) sanity to work as a relatable protagonist (she carried much of Returns herself anyway). In fact, she's such an obvious choice for a spin-off that Warner Bros. have already tried to make one. In the works since Batman Returns hit in 1992, it was an on-off idea throughout the nineties and eventually did lead to a feature film; 2004's Halle Berry fronted furball. Such wasted potential.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.