9 Awesome Villains For A Guardians Of The Galaxy Sequel

7. Loki

Curveball alert. Loki isn't exactly renowned for being a Guardians of the Galaxy rogue - in fact he's barely interacted with any of the characters from the series - but it isn't as though Marvel have shown themselves to be bound by the source material in any of their movie franchises to date. Aldrich Killian doesn't have Extremis powers in the comics, there are no such characters as the Other or Trevor Slattery in the comics, Galactus isn't a cloud in the comics, Juggernaut isn't a mutant in the comics and Blackheart is NOTHING like Wes Bentley's portrayal of the character, so there is always room for flexibility in Marvel movies. With that in mind, could Loki be brought back, perhaps by Thanos who is angered by his failure in the Avengers, maybe to retrieve an Infinity Stone in space, at which point he becomes a problem for the Guardians of the Galaxy? Loki's hunger for power is never going to stop in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and there can only be so many times that he annoys Thor and the Avengers, so this could be a unique way to keep the character fresh, give the audience their Loki fix and try something completely different to the comic books that came before it. Heck, he could even have a little space apprentice of his own in the form of a minor villain, just to keep things interesting (or would that be a bit too "Star Wars"?).
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.