9 Baffling Horror Movie Mistakes You Never Noticed

1. Visible Hydraulics In The Shark's Mouth - Jaws 2

Orphan movie
Universal Pictures

Jaws was the first movie to earn $100 million at the box office, launched Steven Spielberg's career, and inspired the concept of the summer blockbuster. (And as an added bonus, it was really good.)

Nevertheless, there are some naysayers who dismiss the movie, endlessly stating that the shark looks fake. But considering the movie is over 40 years old and the animatronic barely worked, it's a miracle the shark looked as convincing as it does.

Also, if you want to laugh at how fake a movie shark looks, check out Jaws 2. Because of its rubbery exterior and bending teeth, you can never buy this overgrown fish for a second.

However, the most embarrassing moment is when the sea beast opens its titular jaws, ready to take a massive chomp out of a nearby boat. As the shark bears its teeth, you can see the hydraulic cylinders operating the animatronic. It's worth mentioning that this glaring mistake appears in the centre of the frame, making it so hard not to notice, you'd swear the shot was inserted into the movie as a joke.

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