9 Best Changes Stephen King Movies Made From The Books

5. Just A Doppelganger - Gerald's Game

Misery Not In The Book

Gerald's Game is another adaptation of a shorter King story, thought for many years to be impossible to translate to the screen.

Director Mike Flanagan took on the challenge, though, and the result was both brilliantly tense and deeply disturbing.

During a weekend away in a remote lake house, Jessie's husband Gerald handcuffs her to the bed before suffering a fatal heart attack. The ordeal that follows makes up much of the plot, and while Flanagan was mostly loyal to King's story, he did make one crucial change.

In the story, Jessie hallucinates four distinct voices from her past and her imagination that each advise her differently on how to deal with her immediate situation. Instead of introducing four different imaginary characters, the movie instead sees Jessie conversing with just one: a stronger, more practical version of herself that she must become in order to survive.

While the four characters in King's story each offered an insight into Jessie's mind and her past, the distillation of each into the version we see in the movie was the perfect way to adapt to the demands of more visual format.

An excellent tactical choice was made by Flanagan, then executed perfectly by actress Carla Gugino, all without tainting the unsettling magic of the original story.


Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.