9 Creepiest Clown Movies Of All Time

6. Poltergeist

Killer Klowns
MGM/UA Entertainment Co.

Again, this isn’t a “killer clown movie,” per say, but it is potentially best remembered for that scene, which changed the way everyone looked at clown dolls forever.

Poltergeists are obviously scary - demonic forces trying to take over your house and bring your daughter “into the light” aren’t cool - but they're absolutely preferable to a single scary clown doll.

The scene in question takes place in the bedroom of Carol Anne and her poor, poor brother Robbie, who has a thing about clowns. For some reason - despite his intense dislike of them - his parents think that giving him an almost life-sized clown doll is a good idea. The clown proceeds to loom over the entire movie, until the climax.

The Freeling family had exorcized their house and saved Carol Anne, or so they thought. But poltergeists are nothing if not resilient, and they return with a vengeance. There are houses shaking and skeletons swimming and trees grabbing but all of that pales in comparison to the moment that poor Robbie’s clown doll comes to life and tries to murder him.

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Nick Perkins wrote the book of love. He also writes/has written for publications such as MTV, Wrestlezone, Batman On Film and more. He is a copywriter by day, interesting stuff-writer by night. He fancies himself a Mad Men but he doesn't drink, smoke or cheat on his wife. So basically, he wears a suit and works for an ad firm.