9 Creepiest Clown Movies Of All Time

5. Stitches

Killer Klowns
Irish Film Board

When you make a horror-cum-comedy film, you have to walk a pretty thin line: you don’t want to be overly scary, so as to overshadow the comedy and vice-versa. and actually, very few films get this right: Shaun Of The Dead and Cabin In The Woods are two higher profile successes, while Stitches - a 2012 British film starring comedian Ross Noble - is another lesser known one.

Years ago, little Tommy had a birthday party with all of his friends. His mom hired Stitches the Clown for the party’s entertainment. Unfortunately for Stitches, a horrific accident occurred and he died. Or so Tommy thought.

10 or so years later, it’s Tommy’s birthday again and he wants to throw another party. This time, birthday cake and balloons are replaced by drugs and alcohol, but there’s still a certain clown that wants to provide the evening’s entertainment and he’ll even come back from the grave to make sure that this birthday is one that Tommy and his friends will never forget.

Noble’s performance as Stitches is legitimately hilarious: whether it’s turning somebody’s intestines into a balloon animal or making sweet sweet love to a woman while she yells out “f*ck me clown, f*ck me clown!” Stitches will literally leave you in stitches just as much as it will creep you right out.

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Nick Perkins wrote the book of love. He also writes/has written for publications such as MTV, Wrestlezone, Batman On Film and more. He is a copywriter by day, interesting stuff-writer by night. He fancies himself a Mad Men but he doesn't drink, smoke or cheat on his wife. So basically, he wears a suit and works for an ad firm.