9 Dumbest Weapons In Sci-Fi Movies

7. Head Disguise Bomb (Total Recall)

Noisy Cricket MIB
TriStar Pictures

Paul Verhoeven's Total Recall is easily one of Arnold Schwarzenegger's best movies. Brilliantly plotted, suspenseful as hell, plenty of intellect and depth to make rewatching it a blast, and of course, just plain silly at several times.

Besides the many scenes of people's eyes literally popping out of their skulls on the surface of mars (which should be horrifying but because of how the camera holds on it, just makes you topple with laughter), the characters' choice in weaponry at points can be just plain bizarre. Case in point, easily the movie's most famous scene next to the amazing triple boobied woman: the head bomb.

Arnold's character uses this as a disguise in order to get through the Martian checkpoint when landing on the red planet the first time. When the disguise fails due to him failing to give it more than one very specific response to questions, Arnold throws the head of the disguise at the encroaching police.

Then the head explodes.

As genuinely hilarious as this scene is, this weapon is a f*cking ONION of nonsensical design, it just gets stupider the more you dig into it. Why does it need to explode? Is the circuitry inside it that makes it explode taking up so much room the reason WHY it can only give one response? Is the response pre-programmed or did Arnold program its response? No one comes out any smarter either way so why not just put on a wig?

This weapon leaves you with so many questions that you know don't have answers.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?