9 Extremely Specific Tics You Never Noticed In Famous Actors

3. Steven Seagal Loves Sitting Down

Tom Hardy Bug Eyes.jpg
Voltage Pictures

Steven Seagal has displayed an impressive range, where he can play anything from cops, CIA agents to ex-cops or ex-CIA agents. Some people might see his lethargic style as a recurring motif in itself, where he’ll greet any given situation – be it ordering coffee or hearing about the death of a loved one – with the same facial expression and tone of voice.

Anyone who’s seen a few of his movies might notice he takes low-key to new levels, in that he really, really loves sitting down for most of his scenes. In his later work that’s how he spends most of his screentime, sitting down with his arms folded while other actors do most of the talking; even when it’s time to stand up and fight, he all but sighs when he has to sit up again.

He’s done this in movies ranging from Fire Down Below, A Dangerous Man, Driven To Kill and it was especially brazen in Machete, where he spends 90% of his part talking over Skype while beautiful ladies sit on his lap. 


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.