9 Famous Film Directors Who Have Lost Their Touch (That We All Pretend Are Still Awesome)

4. Sam Raimi

Sam Raimi is a very hit-and-miss director, responsible for some big films and some awful ones. He hit his stride early on with films like The Evil Dead II and Army of Darkness, then helped usher in the superhero craze with 2002's Spider-Man. Spider-Man 2 was a great movie that has gotten a bit worse with age, whereas Spider-Man 3 and Oz the Great and Powerful are better left forgotten altogether. Raimi's a director who can do great things with a personal project, but once he's given a big tentpole property it's like he gets in over his head. Just look at Drag Me To Hell, a great horror film that came right off the heels of Spider-Man 3. I'm not saying he's a bad director, and don't completely blame him for what happened to his Spider-Man franchise. All I'm saying is the man's not the filmmaker he used to be, or shows his true talents so rarely that I worry about what his future may hold.

James is a 24 year old writer and filmmaker living in Portland, OR. He attended college for graphic design and writes for various sources on the web about film, television, and entertainment. You can view all of his work on his website, www.thereeljames.wordpress.com