9 Great Movies About Summer Camp

7. Heavy Weights

heavy weights It is hard to make a movie about a weight loss camp without making certain kids feel bad about themselves. That is what makes Heavyweights so special. Co-written by Judd Apatow and starring Ben Stiller, Heavyweights is a movie about a group of overweight kids that overcome Stiller's harsh camp direction to learn about competition and loving camp. This movie contains all the classic camp staples - the abusive counselor vs. the sympathetic counselor, the camp competition, and overcoming obstacles. The movie itself was heavily aided by the talent involved. The performance of Ben Stiller + the comic sensibilities of Apatow + every token overweight kid in every 90's move = underrated comic gold. Let's be honest, the type of kid that takes center stage in this movie is not always the most socially successful when it comes to camp (or school for that matter). The movie's strength is by putting these kids front and center. So many movies from multiple genres have revolved around an unexpected hero, and Heavyweights is no different. If nothing else, it is oddly empowering to many overlooked kids.

David is an educator and writer from the Philadelphia area. In spite of loving parents, he was largely raised by television and movies.