9 Horror Movie Plot Points Secretly Introduced Earlier Than You Realised

7. Midsommar - The Beginning Tapestry

Invisible Man Thumb

A master of seeding, foreshadowing and sticking vital information just under our noses, Aster of course had to show audiences every single plot point awaiting them in Midsommar way before any happened.

I am referring to that big tapestry we see at the start of the film. Seen for the first time out of context there is a lot to take in, so Aster must’ve assumed none of us would cotton on to his trick immediately.

Reading the tapestry from left to right we see Dani having death sever her family ties, the red connecting string looking awfully like the hose that kills them bathed in fire-engine lights. Next, it shows Dani mourning followed by her hesitant boyfriend as Pelle watches and makes note of her vulnerability. Pelle leads the group like the pied piper - flute and all - to his community, where they are greeted with half-naked women, chalices of gold but also skulls (sexual temptation, offerings of great pleasure but also the threat of death).

The tapestry’s narrative ends with the feast table with the maypole at the head representing the May Queen, all overlooked by an ominous smiling sun - none of the party of friends are present. If you look up you’ll even see the elderly people throwing themselves from the rock, look down and you’ll see a bear reaching out to the party. It’s all there - every little bit.


WhatCulture's shortest contributor (probably). Lover of cats, baked goods and Netflix Originals.