9 Horror Movie Villains We ALL Foolishly Thought Had WON

5. The Creatures - The Mist

Halloween Kills Michael Myers

Yes, The Mist has been covered from multiple angles over the years, but to do a list like this and not feature Frank Darabont's 2007 movie would be remiss.

This adaptation of Stephen King's 1980 novella finds a small Maine town in the midst of a mist that contains otherworldly creatures. As the town's residents fight to survive, the movie comes down to David (Thomas Jane) finding his wife's dead body, then having to kill his young son and three other survivors rather than them all be ripped apart by the alien beasts that circle in.

With the grim job at hand done, the only thing left for David is to kill himself... only for the army to arrive to save the day and vanquish these aliens, meaning David could have saved his son and several others if he'd have just waited for a few more minutes before unloading his gun.

On a micro level, one could argue that villains of The Mist 'won' by ruining the life of David and forcing him to have killed his son for no reason. On the macro level, mind, these creatures being sent packing is absolutely a win for Earth and for mankind - even if the movie obviously leaves audiences reeling with its gut-punch finale.

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Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.