9 Horror Movie Villains Who Turned Hero In The Sequel

7. The Vampires - Blade II

Hannibal Anthony Hopkins
New Line Cinema

Blade hates vampires. But he is also half-vampire. What a tragic figure he is!

As played by Wesley Snipes, the Daywalker wraps up his first feature film by defeating a whole host of bloodsuckers led by Deacon Frost. However, by the time the sequel comes around, he's working with the vampires? But how?

As the old saying goes - the enemy of my enemy is my friend. The enemies in question are Reapers, a genetically enhanced race of super-vampires who are lethal to both humans and their lesser-evolved selves.

To deal with the Reaper problem, ancient vamp Eli Damaskinos forms a truce with Blade and his crew to work together to take down the threat. Although, wouldn't you know it, the Reapers only exist because Eli was mucking about trying to engineer a new, more superior breed of vampire.

What is he like, eh?

Although most of the vampires betray Blade in the end, Eli's daughter Nyssa remains on the good side. She helps secure the demise of her father before getting killed herself.

This dynamic helped set Blade II apart from its predecessor and provided an interesting wrinkle to the man in the long black coat.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.